Please scroll down to see our Chamber Members’ upcoming events.
Thank you to our “Chamber Member of the Month,” Bill Taylor who is the owner of Corporate Ladders.
Our Mission: The Allendale Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the commercial, professional, industrial, and civic interests of Allendale for the overall betterment of the community and to provide social and networking features to promote these purposes.
Supporting Local Chambers Means Supporting Local Businesses
According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “Customers think more favorable of businesses who are part of a Chamber of Commerce and are 63% more likely to make a purchase from your business. That’s 2 out of 3 customers. Local Chambers of Commerce are our nation’s strongest small business advocates, providing a voice for thousands of communities across America. When businesses succeed, communities succeed, and local chambers are there every step of the way empowering businesses to grow and thrive even in the most challenging of circumstances.”
Do you ever wonder what The Allendale Chamber of Commerce does? Our board invites you to become a member and get involved!
- Would you like to have more promotional opportunities, educational resources, and visibility for your business, home-based business, or nonprofit?
- Are you looking to network with other businesses and community organizations to expand your contacts and invest in your community’s future?
- Are you interested in attending a breakfast, lunch, or dinner meeting the second Tuesday of the month (September to June) with the chamber membership? All meals are at NO CHARGE for current members. Please note that all attendees must be announced in advance and no more than two representatives per organization. Thank you for your understanding.
- There is a “Member of the Month” featured at each chamber meeting (and highlighted on the chamber’s website). How would you like to present information about your organization for other chamber members? It’s a great way to “spread the word” about your brand; build connections; and inspire others.
- Do you wish to advertise to NEW homeowners in a “Welcome to Allendale” basket, several times a year? Suggested basket items include write-ups about your organization or a business card, promotional products, coupons (with longer or no expiration dates, please), etc. Baskets are delivered by chamber board members to new residents in town.
- Do you have a new business, an established business having a grand reopening after remodeling, or an upcoming business milestone? As a chamber partner, we celebrate your business with a ribbon cutting ceremony. We provide the ribbon and large scissors and will take photos to post on our social media. We do not supply balloons.
- Would you like monthly access to 10 LOCAL chambers in the International Chamber Consortium (ICC)? The ICC combines networking events with multiple chambers in Bergen and Passaic Counties.
- Do you want to participate in the chamber’s Allendale Festival Day AND the Holiday Walk? A reserved vendor spot for Allendale Festival Day in downtown Allendale is included with your annual membership dues (a $100 value for businesses and a $50 savings for community organizations/nonprofits).
We are working hard to promote the interests of our membership and provide significant benefits for belonging to the chamber. If you are planning an event, let us know about it, and we will post your event flyer here and on our Facebook page. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
Dues are due: If your business has not done so already, please pay your annual membership dues (by February 1) to remain in good standing, to attend meetings, to appear on our social media, and to participate in the welcome basket deliveries. Kindly submit payment via check to The Allendale Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 144, Allendale, NJ 07401 OR by using the following PayPal link.
As part of your paid membership dues, a reserved vendor spot in downtown Allendale for the Festival Day is included. There is a charge for non-chamber vendors.